Sjoerd Elias
Sjoerd Elias, MD PhD, obtained his MSc in Clinical Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (2002), and graduated from Medical School in 2005, after which he worked as a resident in radiology (2006-2007).
A personal Dutch Cancer Society Research Fellowship to study biomarkers for molecular imaging for breast cancer screening (2009-2013) enabled him to work at the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (Sanjiv Gambhir), the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the UCSF (Nola Hylton), and the Department of Molecular Pathology at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Laura van 't Veer).
He is currently an Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and heads the Research Program Cancer at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care at the UMC Utrecht. Furthermore, he is a daily board member of the UMC Utrecht Strategic Program Cancer, and coordinator of the PhD program Clinical and Translational Oncology.
His main research focus is on the translation and clinical evaluation of cancer biomarkers to better inform medical decisions, including the diagnostic work-up of patients suspected of colorectal cancer in primary care and risk-stratification for improved cancer surveillance.